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We were so honored to be recognized by Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham as The Business of the Year in our Assembly District (go 35th!).

Earlier this week, we had the incredible opportunity to stand alongside roughly 75 businesses who were chosen out of millions of businesses in California for their positive impact on their local communities and on the greater California economy. We have so much respect and admiration for all the small businesses in our own town and in the Golden State. And since there are so many amazing businesses all around us, we were just incredibly honored to be chosen for this award.

We so appreciate all of your support of our little dream — without you, we wouldn’t be here, and this is something we never take lightly. Thank you, thank you!

Stay tuned for details -- we’re going to throw a party at Scout and make it a fun one! Make sure you're signed up for our Scout Coffee email newsletter to make sure you get the info.  

Lastly, check out the full Tribune article here for more!


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